What is the decisive factor in the development of a brand? Not Marketing, Branding or Production, if a brand wants to develop, a business needs a thorough and correct IMC Plan.

So what is an IMC Plan? What is an IMC Plan that Marketers should not ignore? Let's explore with M&M Communications in the article below.

What is an IMC Plan?

Integrated Marketing Communications (abbreviated as IMC) Plan is a plan based on an integrated communications platform, combining multiple communication channels to convey messages consistently and synchronously. A properly designed and implemented IMC Plan will help businesses build a solid brand and increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

>>> 6 Basic Steps to Implement an IMC Plan

Although it is a plan based on integrated communication, IMC Plan is not fixed in one style but is differentiated into many different models, depending on the implementation stage or goals of the business or brand.

Below are 6 basic IMC Plan templates for your business to refer to.

IMC Plan for launching a new product

Any product when launched needs a synchronous communication campaign, combining PR, social media, influencer marketing, and paid advertising. So, the IMC Plan template for businesses when launching a new product is a plan that focuses on promoting the promotion part, usually planned for some time such as 3 months, or half a year. A good IMC plan will help businesses create a buzz for themselves and their products right from the start.

IMC Plan for New Businesses

Just like a new product when it is launched, Startups companies before entering the market also need a suitable IMC Plan to create a buzz, making customers remember them in a market that is already full of businesses operating in the same field. Based on the goal, this type of MIC Plan often focuses more on the Branding factor to create brand recognition right from the beginning. Besides Branding, the IMC plan in this case will also need to combine digital marketing and PR activities.

IMC Plan for retail businesses

Retail businesses often follow the B2C model (Retail businesses will sell directly to customers), so there are certain requirements when building an IMC Plan for businesses like this. Specifically, for the IMC Plan of the retail industry, it is necessary to focus on customer experience goals such as direct experience at the store, indirect experience on e-commerce or social media, and email marketing.

An effective IMC Plan for retail businesses is a plan that helps businesses achieve revenue goals.

IMC Plan for high-end brands

High-end brands or high-end, luxury brands always need a different IMC Plan than regular brands. Because unlike other products that focus on function and use, high-end products focus on brand value. IMC Plan in this case needs to focus on storytelling, community connection, and live events, utilizing PR, KOLs for communication, and high-end channels such as magazines and VIP events to create brand reputation, thereby creating a mark for the product.

IMC Plan for Events

Does a new event need an IMC Plan? The answer is yes. Because similar to a product or brand, an event also has a customer base, specific goals regarding the number of participants or to serve as a basis for branding the brand, increasing product revenue, etc., a thorough IMC Plan is needed.

So what elements does a thorough IMC Plan for an event need? Due to the timing, the event's IMC Plan needs a communication strategy before, during, and after the event, including items such as social media, PR, a follow-up email, the more detailed and specific the better.

IMC Plan for CSR campaigns

In general, the goal of communication is to help businesses become more widely known, as well as be remembered by customers, thereby easily influencing their selection and purchasing decisions. However, corporate communication about social responsibility (CSR) is somewhat different from other normal communication campaigns. Instead of being remembered by customers due to attractive images or stories, CSR campaigns create touch points for customers when approaching and supporting the resolution of community issues, thereby helping to create a positive image and competitive advantage for businesses.

A successful CSR campaign needs to be implemented skillfully and subtly, ensuring cultural appropriateness and timing. An effective IMC Plan in this case will help businesses spread the message and increase their reputation in the hearts of customers.

Do you know how to create and implement these IMC Plan templates? Let M&M Communications support you.

As a multi-tasking agency, we not only help businesses build a methodical IMC plan, but also support businesses in implementing the items in the plan effectively.


The IMC Plan is the key to helping businesses achieve their Marketing goals consistently and effectively. Hopefully with the 6 sample IMC Plans above, you will find the right direction for your brand, or if you are looking for an experienced unit to support your business, you can contact M&M Communications immediately! We are always ready to help you and help you.